Can the VEX IQ testbed activity series be done with the basebot with sensors? Or are there other similar testbed sensor activities to learn about the sensors that kids can do with the basebot with sensors? They already did the freeze tag game. They have the basebot with sensors built and I feel like they will not like to go back to a testbed if that makes sense.
I want them to use the distance sensor and optical/color sensor. They haven’t used those yet.
I think you could totally complete that series with the BaseBot with sensors. You may want to edit some activities to have students level up their code to have the robot move based on some of the sensor feedback, but that would also work as an extension.
I agree with Alaina, that you could likely adapt the Testbed Activity to use the BaseBot. You could also use some of the IQ Activities to get started with the Distance and Optical Sensor.
For instance, the At a Distance Activity has students use the Distance Sensor to ‘avoid obstacles’ on the Field. The Color Sensing Activity uses the Optical Sensor to navigate around a Field based on the color of the Cubes detected.
Also, you can use STEM Labs, like Castle Crasher, to teach about the sensors, and try a Practice Activity, like the Push It Off Activity from Lesson 3 to introduce the Distance Sensor.
I hope that’s helpful!