Sharing Ideas about the GO STEM Lab Share Section!

Hi All!

Have you ever thought about the power of a VEX GO STEM Lab Share section? Of course, the Share section of a STEM Lab is the culmination of a STEM Lab, an opportunity for students to share with one another about what they’ve learned throughout the Lab. But, the questions in the Share section can be used in other ways to advance students’ learning!

Use the Observing questions as a quick formative assessment - students’ answers to the questions in this section can give you insight into how well they understood various aspects of the Lab, and can help you target any reteaching needs. Make some notes as students are sharing, and then put them into groups to try related activities. For example, if students struggle to answer these Share questions:

from the Mars Rover - Exploring Mars Geology Lab (Lab 2), Have them try the Mars Rover Search and Collect Activity for extra practice.

The Predicting questions are great jumping off points for extension activities - as students talk about these questions, use their answers to help you plan.

If students are enthusiastic and interested in testing out their ideas about the answer to the first question - have them give it a try! The last question could turn into a fun writing or research project as well.

The Collaborating questions are also great springboards for students to reflect on how they engaged with others, and can be used to help students set social goals for improving these skills, or help give you ideas to plan morning meeting and other activities to help students get better at taking turns and sharing for the next time!

How do you use the Share questions in your classroom? Let us know!