Looking to create a lesson for the following PA standard, Solve real-world and mathematical problems by writing and solving equations of the form x + p = q and px = q for cases in which p, q, and x are all non-negative rational numbers. Does anyone have any lesson that will help students master this standard? @Audra_Selkowitz @Aimee_DeFoe @Alaina_Haws @Jimmy_Lin @Tina_Dietrich
Hi @Desiree_White-Price the x + p = q part seems like something that you could do where you code the robot to drive or turn for a particular total distance, but break it up into 2 commands. I’m thinking something along the lines of solving a word problem with the robot.
For instance - The BaseBot is a delivery robot and needs to deliver a package to an address down the street. It needs to travel a total of 743mm. It drive 213mm, and then stops for a pedestrian in the road. How much further does the BaseBot need to travel to deliver the package? (You could also do this with VR, and have some fun uploading different ‘delivery’ locations and distances to the Art Canvas + Playground )
In terms of the x + p = q framework - here it would be 213 + x = 743. Students could mark the delivery location and the starting location. Then they would code the robot to Drive for 213 mm, then Drive for 530mm. Does the robot make it to the 743mm mark?
For the multiplication component (the px = q part) this is reminding me of Labs 4 and 5 of the GO Parade Float STEM Lab Unit. Instead of using Drivetrain blocks, students code the individual motors to spin for a specific number of turns in order to drive a set distance. Students use the formula distance = circumference x turns (so the same format as the px = q). There are some great videos in the Unit Overview for the Parade Float Unit that explain the lesson in detail. And while this is written for GO, it could easily be done with a BaseBot.
I hope this is helpful!