Student Friendly Appendix for VEX IQ Rapid Relay Game Manual

Hi all! Very excited to share one of the newest resources available for VIQRC competition teams – a student friendly appendix.

This appendix is available both at the end of the full game manual as well as a separate downloadable PDF. It was designed to help introduce students gradually to the game and help be a reference for them as they begin their seasons. Things like simplified images and a table to simplify the scoring was developed to make this all easier for students to digest as they learn about the game. Then they can use this as a stepping stone to the full game manual.

I would love to hear any feedback you have about the student friendly appendix for the manual. How do you see yourself using with your students? Any additional elements or explanations you think are missing? As we move forward on the next year of game development, this feedback helps to make sure that our available resources are aligned to the goals of all our users :slight_smile:

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Our teams really love this student friendly version, especially the combined scoring charts, as compared to the individual ones from the original game manual.


It definitely simplifies the scoring! I’ve been using the chart when explaining the game to people to show how the passes and collaboration can make the scores exponentially grow for teams. Glad it’s helpful for your students!

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