Switching between Driving Skills project and Autonomous Coding Skills project

Hello everyone! :smiley:

I often get the question with VIQRC, “During skills matches, how can we switch the two programs during two different match types (Driving Skills and Autonomous Coding Skills)?”

This is a great question! The answer is, the Slots on the Brain! When you’re using VEXcode IQ, you have the option to save different projects to different slots.

IQ (2nd gen) has an 8 slot capacity.

IQ (1st gen) has a 4 slot capacity.

From the IQ Brain (2nd gen), you can navigate to ‘programs.’

Here, you will be able to see all of your projects and which slot they are saved into.
Slot 4

The same process applies to IQ (1st gen), the Brain’s screen just looks slightly different.

Saving projects to multiple slots is very useful. How do you plan on using multiple slots with your students/team?


This is a great reminder! I could see this being helpful to test different iterations of a project even - like if your students are trying multiple strategies for the autonomous portion of the match, you could run each strategy back to back to easily evaluate which the team thinks works better.

Using multiple slots can also be helpful to keep different drivers custom driving projects saved on the Brain - so changing drivers can be done a little more quickly, and everyone can have their own custom controls that work best for them.


Thanks Audra, yes! Those are also great ideas and applications for saving to multiple slots. Thanks for sharing :slight_smile: