Tips for a new coach?

I am in my first year as a teacher and coach of high school robotics. I have completed the V5 Certification as well as the Coaches Training and Event Partner training on RECF.

My school actually just hosted the first big tournament of the year in our district. I had a lot of help, but it went pretty well. Since I was hosting that event, I was very busy all day helping with various things.

Now that I will be taking my teams to other events, I’m not totally sure what I should be doing. Most of my students have been doing this for a few years, so they don’t need much guidance or help. I’ve asked them what they are working on between events, but they don’t seem to really need my help with anything.

Leading up to, and during other events we have done, I’ve encouraged them to do some skills matches because I think they are good practice and can also help with rankings in tournaments. Besides that, I don’t really know what else to do. Should I just be more of a spectator and give them feedback between matches? I’m not saying I’m bored, but I’m worried I’m not doing enough as their coach to help them. So, does anyone with coaching experience have any suggestions? Thank you in advance.

Hi @Leo_Fogel!

It sounds like you’re doing an absolutely wonderful job so far being a supportive coach! I will say for myself and @AlainaHaws, who coached a VRC team together a couple years back, we mostly focused on supporting the students through iteration, their questions, and ensuring they had all the materials and resources that they needed.

Here’s a couple of great resources that I think can help you:

  1. VEX Coaches Start Here
    This is a resource that walks through where coaches can start and how to get support. It also includes videos of interviews with other coaches, so you can see what they focus on to support their teams.

  2. What Does a VRC Coach Do?
    This walks through the responsibilities of a coach and items that you can use to help both novice and experienced teams.

  3. The Over Under STEM Lab.
    This STEM Labs walks through basic skills that can help your students play this year’s game.

I’ll also tag @Omar_Cortez here to speak on this a little more, as he is a fantastic coach! :smiley:

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