Trouble editing mazes in Wall Maze+ on the iPad

I’m trying out the Wall Maze+ playground for the first time (so cool!). I’m using an iPad since that is what my students have. I have VEXcode open in Safari and there seems to be a bug:
When editing the maze, if I tap on a square multiple times, it doesn’t cycle through the different options properly. It seems like you can’t make multiple end positions until you have made the maximum amount of start positions. This is frustrating because I need to make 5 starting points before I can make 1 end point (unless I use the default that are already there). There seems to be a work-around if I create 5 starting points, then I can put end points wherever. But it would save a lot of time to not have to do that.

Is there a fix for this, or will we just have to deal with it?

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Thanks for reporting this issue. There’s a software bug that causes this issue only on iOS devices. We are investigating this. As you have mentioned, for now the only work-around is to place the 5 starting points then the end points.