Troubleshooting 123 Robot Wheel Not Moving


Among the set, we have one robot who does not follow the command. It won’t respond. It turns only, not drive straight. It has been updated, charged, paired with the coder…Will you please provide some insight on how I could fix it.

Thank you so much!

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Hello! How are you coding the 123? Are you using Touch, the Coder Cards, or VEXcode 123?

Would you be able to provide a video to show what is happening? That would help us tremendously :slight_smile:

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Hi Lauren, We tried Touch, then Coder cards…it only turns
I have a video but it won’t let me attach here…too big. Let me see if I can resize it.

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Thank you for the video! This is so helpful.

My first thought is one of the wheel motors could be faulty or it might be stuck (dirt or debris could be stuck in there). Have you tried cleaning the wheels? This article can walk you through that process. If the wheels are clean, then I believe it is the motor and we can look into that :slight_smile:

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Hi Quynh,

I would also suggest to check the reading from the classroom app. From the classroom app, you can see if the Coder card is being detected correctly or not. If the Coder card is being detected correctly, then it could be a wheel issue or motor issue. At least this would eliminate the issue from the software side.

Another thing to double check is to make sure you are on the latest firmware (just in case you are not).

Let me know how it goes. Hopefully this could narrow down the issue.


Hi Lauren. Thank you much for your guildance. I followed the steps and cleaned out the wheels. We STILL have the same issue. It followed the command once with drive straight…then went back to turn around with the straight arrow command. Let me know what’s else I can try. Thank you!

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Thank you for trying those suggestions! I let our support team know, I think it’s a defective robot. They will reach out to you :slight_smile:


Great. Thank you so much.