When @Audra_Selkowitz and I were teaching our recent online class - ‘Using VEX 123 and VEX GO in Your Regular Education Classrooms’, we were brainstorming ideas for social and emotional learning activities using VEX GO. I wanted to share this fun adaptation of the VEX GO Clock build - A Random Acts of Kindness Spinner!
I threw this one together quickly as an example, based on a couple of other GO activities that use the Clock Build - Compass Rose and Brain Break. The only difference is that I added in little acts of kindess students could do for one another during a school day.
If I was using this in my classroom, I’d have the students brainstorm ideas for the acts of kindness and let them work together in pairs to add them. At some point I’ll make a community activity out of this idea, but I wanted to go ahead and share it since it would be a great activity for the first few weeks of school.
If you try it, let me know!