As you are thinking about ways to incorporate literacy and math in your classroom, there are so many things, activities, worksheets, manipulative and more that you can use. However, when thinking about literacy or math development, it is not just about phonics and fluency, or number facts and operations. Literacy and mathematical thinking, and their development, is a much bigger picture.
That’s where things using VEX GO to teach integrated STEM becomes an incredibly valuable resource for students. Not only is it fun and engaging and hands-on, with built in collaboration and persistence, but building and coding with VEX GO also offers practices that support the development of foundational skills like executive function, motor, and spatial skills.
This new article offers some thoughts as to how VEX GO can be used to support teaching literacy and math. Please give it a read and share your thoughts!
This will also be part of the upcoming Live Course - Using VEX 123 and VEX GO in Your Regular Education Classrooms. Check out the course and sign up to discuss this more with other educators as you prepare for back to school