VEX EXP Classroom Bundle just arrived

Hello, I am Danny Roberts and new to VEX. I wanted to introduce myself and ask for suggestions for unpacking VEX EXP Classroom Bundles. I order the Large Classroom Bundle with the carts. There is a lot of boxes. Any suggestions to open what boxes first?


Welcome Danny!

So there will be a lot of things when you start digging into those boxes. It may be helpful to start by clearing out a good large area so you can get up and organized in one fell swoop.

First I would recommend finding the boxes with your carts. That way you have them ready to put finished and organized kits in. Then you can find your carrying cases with Field Tiles, spare parts, and game elements and slide that in nicely to the bottom part of each cart. With a Large bundle, you should have 3 carts and 3 of those carrying cases like in this photo below.

Once you have those sorted, you can dive into your actual kits!

For organizing the kits, I recommend working one type of bin at a time. Each EXP Kit is made up of 1 structure bin and 1 electronics bin. For this example, let’s say you want to set up all your structure bins first.

Each structure bin will come with the jewel cases already inside, but the metal is packaged separately. The metal for each bin will come in its own box, ready to be opened and directly added to the space on the left of the bin shown in this picture. As you add the metal to each kit, I recommend labeling the bins now while you have your hands on them. Each cart can hold 5 kits (since each kit is two bins), so you can label the kits on each cart with 1-5, 6-10, and 11-15 as a good starting point.

Now you can do the same process with your electronics bins! The electronics are also shipped in separate boxes for each kit. So you can move the electronics into the red bins, label the bin and place it with its matching structure bin on the carts.

Quick summary:

  • Unpack Carts
  • Structure Bin (add metal then label the bin)
  • Electronics Bin (add electronics then label the bin)

Hope this all is helpful! And if anyone has more specific advise or ideas for organizing feel free to chime in :slight_smile:


Hi! This EXP unboxing video from our video library might be helpful when you are ready to get acquainted with the contents of your bundles!


Thank You! Yes this helps tremendously. :smile: