Asking to see if you have any assessment questions to go along with Vex Go? I have my 3rd graders working on Mars Rover Lessons this year…Thank you!
Hi @Quynh_Nhu_Tran, the prompts and questions in the Share sections of the Mars Rover STEM Labs could easily be used as assessments. Here’s a link to the Share section of Lab 1 of the Mars Rover Surface Operations Unit. Take a look and let me know if this is the kind of thing you are looking for!
Thank you Aimee. I saw those. I’m looking for mutiple choice questions. I can embed some of these discussing questions on the summative questions as well. I do want to have variety of question types to check for students’ understanding for building, coding, problem solving, etc…
We currently don’t have plans to add multiple choice style assessments to the VEX GO STEM Labs. If you do create some, please share them here in the Community! You could even start a VEX GO multiple choice question thread if you wanted, and others could contribute question ideas as well.
Thanks for the feedback!