Does anyone have student-friendly language to describe the functions of operators, variables, and my blocks - blocks?
I am working on an engineering notebook that has an overview of the functions of each block (see attached)
Does anyone have student-friendly language to describe the functions of operators, variables, and my blocks - blocks?
I am working on an engineering notebook that has an overview of the functions of each block (see attached)
Hi @Jennifer_MacArthur, welcome to PD+! This is a great question. How about:
Operators: Add math operations and comparisons to your project
Variables: Store a value to use in your project
My Blocks: Group a sequence of blocks into a single block so it can be reused
Those blocks are conceptually a bit more complex, so the explanations are also going to lean that direction, but hopefully those descriptions are helpful to you. Also, there is a My Blocks tutorial in VEXcode GO that has a good explanation of My Blocks that you may want to check out.
PERFECT! THank you so much =)