VEX GO Eye Sensor

Wanted to share a video of the Code Base - Eye Down build running with everyone! What projects or activities will you have your students use with the Eye Sensor?

Being able to use whiteboard markers on the Field tiles is a game changer. Makes it so easy to change the setup to match the needs of the students. Need more practice just detecting two colors? Go ahead and erase the middle line!

This particular project will be a part of an upcoming Activity Series. I’ll come back and share the link when it is live!


As promised, here is the Self-Driving Code Base Activity Series! Students start with the Code Base - Eye Down and an example project in VEXcode GO to get familiar with coding the Eye Sensor, then build their own project to stop at a stop sign (red line) and slow down in a construction zone (the blue line).

Activity Series Link


Great stuff @AlainaHaws Thanks for sharing