Hi All,
We are trying to figure out the best way to inventory our GO kits for missing pieces come the end of the year. Looking to see if any classroom teacher or school district has developed a good method for doing this. We’re contemplating using a Google Form with pictures of the parts themselves or a spreadsheet. We know about the interactive posters and such provided by VEX.
The main thing is to keep it simple for the both the students AND the teachers. Our plan is for each team in each classroom to inventory their kit. Then report to the teacher who would let admin know the total amounts needed for their room.
Open to any and all suggestions. Just want to see what, if anything, the community has come up with.
Thanks in advance!
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Hi Mike! I dont have anything from the classroom teacher or district side of things, but my idea would be to take the inventory visually first.
Have the students all put their kits away as best they can (using the storage and the pictures beneath as their guidelines), then having students just circle/note what is missing on the parts poster.
I would print out the interactive parts poster from the website for the students (if you do it at about 70% scale and landscape, you can get it on one doublesided page with some room for notes in the margins). Then have them turn those in to their teacher! Then the teacher can reference what all they have in the spare parts bin from the Classroom Bundle to fill in any gaps or use a collaborative spreadsheet to make a school-wide inventory/needs list.
Thanks @AlainaHaws! We actually decided to go with a 2 part inventory: a PDF spreadsheet for the students to work on that has the part, the number that SHOULD be in the kit, the number they have, and the number they need (cross curricular basic math!!). We’ve instructed the teachers to have the students use the interactive parts poster to help.
The teacher will them compile those numbers into a Google Form so we know how many parts they need for a whole class.
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That sounds like a great plan! You’ll have to let us know how that works out 
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