VEX GO Linear Slide Lift

Here is an idea for a linear slide based lift that might be useful to these using VEX GO and especially with the GO Competition fields…
Word of warning, this is something that I would suggest using with coding only as the remote control doesn’t really lend itself to controlling a motor in this way.

The lift is controlled by a rotating arm on a motor. As the arm rotates, the lift is pushed up the slide. As the arm rotates back round, the lift moves down the slide by gravity.


This is amazing @Chris_Calver! Thank you for sharing! :smiley:

Very cool. @Anna_Blake Check this out. Something your students will enjoy

This is such a good idea, thank you for sharing!

My students are using Vex Go for the first time this year. We are just getting ready to make the Code Base. This is definitely something they would like to try…maybe in the spring. Thanks for sharing!