VEX GO Scope and Sequence for Woodland Hills

Hello, Woodland Hills VEX GO Teachers! I hope the beginning of your school year has gone as smoothly as possible! In this post, you will find the scope and sequence document we talked about in our training, as well as many helpful links that will help you get started teaching with VEX GO!

Here is the scope and sequence document. It details the plan for your first 9 weeks of teaching with VEX GO. The document includes a weekly schedule, a sample choice board, and a day-by-day breakdown of activities and lessons. I’ve included the document as an editable Google Doc (link above) and a pdf (attached). If you want to edit the Google Doc, you’ll need to make a copy!

Woodland Hills - VEX GO Scope and Sequence for Teachers - Google Docs (1).pdf (2.2 MB)

Helpful Links!

  • VEX GO Educator Certification
    Free, online certification to help you get started using and implementing VEX GO in your setting. You can complete all of it at once, or do sections as you are teaching them, or whatever works best for you.

  • VEX GO Curricular Resources
    Activities, Activity Series, and full STEM Lab Units of curriculum that you can use to teach with VEX GO in your setting. STEM Labs are meant to be your ‘online teacher’s manual’ for VEX GO. Activities and Activity Series offer simpler one page lessons.

  • VEX GO Printables
    Find links to the Get Ready, Get Set, GO PDF book, printable worksheets, posters, and more; with descriptions of each.

  • VEX GO Builds
    Find and download all of the build instructions for VEX GO builds here.

Best Practices for Getting Started

Use the Community – Finally, the PD+ Community is here for you at all times, for support. Post questions, tag other teachers, talk about a video you watched, share photos of your class using their robots, and anything and everything you want. The Community is a fantastic resource, and reaches VEX GO Teachers from all over!