I am having a hard time updating the VEX IQ controller. I was following directions from https://kb.vex.com/hc/en-us/articles/9654899213588-Updating-VEX-IQ-2nd-gen-Controller-Firmware-in-Web-based-VEXcode-IQ-Mac-Chromebook-
I keep getting a message that the firmware update failed and the controller has a red flashing light that I can’t stop.o
Thanks for reaching out about this. In order to help you I’ll need some additional information.
- When is the exact error you are getting when it fails?
- Are you actually able to connect to the controller during the update process? If you are unable to see the controller and connect to it…
A. Are you using the normal “connect” button or the “Recover (Fast Red Blinking)” button in the controller menu?
B. Have you tried the other connection option?
- Have you sent in any feedback about this issue?
The feedback system in VEXcode can include diagnostic information that will help us identify what is happening during the update process. If you have not done so already, please submit feedback with the diagnostic data enable after a failed update so we can see where it failed. Please make sure that you include something in the message to indicate that it is about this issue. It can be something as simple as “PD+ VEX IQ Controller update issue feedback - Timothy” or something like that.
Based on this information there are a few different routes to take to resolve this issue, so I need to get the additional information before I can provide accurate information on how to resolve this issue.
Thanks, I talked with the tech department to see if there was anything blocked on my computer preventing me from doing the update, and there is.
Great, glad you got it resolved