Our K-2 classrooms have recently started using Vex VR 123 Playspace. In order to help the Kindergarten and First Grade teachers and students learn how to use Vex VR, and the Playground, I have been taking my 3rd graders into those classrooms. I pair up a 3rd grader with a K-1 student. They have been doing an amazing job being the “teacher”, and it seems like the younger students really love to learn coding from the “big” 3rd graders! I’ve also enjoyed watching my students share their knowledge of the Vex VR program. And I’ve learned a few new things from them myself this week!
@Desiree_White-Price @Danielle_McCoy
This is such a great idea for peer mentoring! Students learn from each other everyday and what an awesome way to incorporate Vex into Social Skills too!
I love the pairing of students like this - really cool stuff. And it is exciting to see VEXcode VR being used in this fashion.