VEXcode GO 4.0.5 Update

VEXcode GO version 4.0.5 is now available. It can be downloaded here: VEXcode Install GO - VEX Robotics

The VEX Library’s New Features in VEXcode GO 4.0 shows off all the new features in this release. However, one big new change is that we now have a version that you can install to your Windows and macOS machines.

Change Log:

  • Desktop application support of VEXcode GO
  • High Contrast Theme support enhances visibility in Blocks projects.
  • Gaelic translation is now available.
  • Keyboard shortcuts make it easy to start and stop projects.
  • Read Blocks Aloud feature offers audio feedback.
  • Added a link to comprehensive API documentation for all GO commands.
  • Fixed an issue with certain GO Eye sensors set to the far range not properly reporting objects as found.
  • Resolved the stopping of some GO examples crashing the iOS app.
  • Increased monitor icon size and improved drop feedback for easier use.
  • Continuously view monitor sensor values when a brain is connected, even when the project is not running.
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