VEXCode on Chromium

Good morning everyone,
I am very new to using VEX parts, so apologies if this question has been addressed elsewhere - I’ve been searching!
My school provides laptops to students to ensure they all have the same, working technology. These are Ubuntu laptops running the latest software, and they work like a charm. Typically we use Firefox for browsing, but my supervisor downloaded the Chromium browser to them to enable us to use VEXCode as well.
Does anyone have any experience with Chromium and VEXCode? For some reason, VEXCode is not recognizing their robot brains when they are plugged in. I have tried different cords, different brains with each laptop. All of these brains and cords connect easily to my Windows computer running VEXCode on Chrome, so my first assumption was that Chromium was the issue.
Any advice is appreciated - I know it is a niche situation!

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Hey all,
I was able to get in touch with Support, and they did answer my question.
Because VEXOS is not supported on Linux, VEXCode will not recognize the brains. The laptop does recognize the USB device connected, the brain is running its latest firmware, and the cable is functional. The problem is just the OS. So we can use VEXCode on Chromium to create code, but will not be able to download the code directly to the robot brain from those devices. This will have to be done on a Windows or Mac computer.
I thought I’d share this in case anyone else is in the same small boat. Have a wonderful day!

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Thanks for sharing that solution! And welcome to the Community :slight_smile: