VEXcode VR version 3.0.0 is now available

Hello everyone! I just wanted to share that VEXcode VR version 3.0.0 is now available. It can be accessed here.

What’s new

  • VEXcode’s Switch blocks-to-text technology is now part of VEXcode VR for Premium users
  • Score submission for VIQRC Virtual Skills and VRC Virtual Skills is now available

Change Log:

  • Enhanced the core Blocks interface of VEXcode for increased compatibility with computing devices and to support future features.
  • Added Switch block functionality to the VEXcode VR interface (for Premium users).
  • Enabled score submission for VIQRC and VRC Virtual Skills games.
  • Updated sensor and variable monitoring system to allow easier monitoring of drivetrain, sensors, and variable values.
  • Enabled users to delete and rename broadcast events within a Blocks project.
  • Introduced translation support for Italian.
  • Fixed an issue where duplicate names between variables and broadcast event names were preventing projects from being run.
  • Addressed an issue where using a “not” operator block on sensing blocks could potentially cause unexpected results.
  • Added link to purchase and manage VR+ licenses within VEXcode VR
  • Added better messaging when VEXcode VR Enhanced and Premium licenses have expired.

All these changes are super exciting! I can’t wait for you to try the updates :smiley: