As you head back to school and start working with robots in the classroom, you may find your students have some very specific preconceived ideas about what a robot is. Hopefully this presentation will help you broaden their concept. The presentation is best viewed with the presentation notes to help you with the presentation. Many of the presentation notes have a YouTube video link with more information about the specific robot.
[What is a Robot? - Google Slides](
This is a great idea to help students get on the same page about what a robot actually is, or could be, and how many robots they may have had direct experience with already. The visuals are sure to spark some engaging conversations!
It makes me wonder how other teachers get their students started, especially for students who are brand new to robotics. What are some strategies you use to introduce robotics in your classroom?
@David_Kelly This is terrific. Thanks for sharing. @Anna_Blake and @LORI_COLANGELO Check this out