So excited that 123 is officially shipping out! There are so many awesome STEM Labs and Activities I can’t wait to see them in action! I have two favorites - The Meet Your Robot STEM Lab Unit brings 123 to life for students through an introductory book and guides teachers and students together to learn about the 123 Robot and how it’s going to be used in your classroom.
And the Role Play Robot STEM Lab Unit connected coding and Social Emotional Learning in a wonderful way - as students code sequences of behaviors that they think best demonstrate particular feelings, like angry, excited, or frustrated. Then, they discuss why they chose those behaviors!
What are the 123 STEM Labs or Activities that you are excited about?
My favorite 123 STEM Lab Unit is probably Coding Fundamentals. I think it breaks down concepts like sequencing and robot behaviors really well for young students. There is also an entire Lab devoted to debugging a project, which is a skill that is important not only in coding, but in so many other areas of learning.
I’m a huge fan of the Little Red Robot STEM Lab!
The Drive until object Coder card is a great way to introduce sensing with the 123 Robot. Plus it’s letting students see that the robot can detect when something is in front through a familiar story. So that fun setting plus the introduction to the eye sensor makes this my favorite!
I also LOVE the Coder Monster Activity - I can picture kids having so much fun with crafting their own ‘monster’ creations for the Art Ring! It’s a simple activity that can be expanded in so many directions, and lets students really be creative in both their creatures and their code.
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My favorites are probably the Mars Rover VEX 123 STEM Labs. I love the connection to the current Mars Mission.
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What a great thread - It’s hard to choose just one favorite!
The Touch to Code Unit is definitely one that like.The activities are simple but still really fun, and it shows how robust the Touch interface is. Plus, it is a great way for teachers to incorporate Computer Science into their Language Arts lessons!
Students will first be able to write out, sound out, and read a word with their 123 Robot in Lab 1. Then in Lab 2, they will sequence button presses to “clean their room” with the 123 Robot.
There are so many great extensions that can be done with this Unit - I can’t wait to see how teachers and students use it in the classroom!