We are thinking about developing more V5 resources. We’ve gotten some great feedback already from the surveys and other posts, but I want to make sure we get a chance to hear from everyone. What types of concepts would you like to see covered? Please let us know!
I love the structure of the V5 STEM Labs! I saw them for the first time at the VEX Educators conference this past spring and I plan to implement them in my “Intro to Robotics” course this coming year. It’s a one-semester course for high school students.
One concern I have with the V5 STEM labs is that there is a lot of content to read online, but not a place to write responses. I have started creating a sort of “Guided Reading” packet to structure my students’ note taking. I might be overthinking this and the students would be just fine taking notes in a blank notebook.
Below is the document that I am working on. I would love feedback from you @Alaina_Haws and @Lauren_Harter about whether you think this useful/practice approach to use with my students.
That’s a great idea! I think this will come in handy to help keep them engaged and understand exactly what they need to be doing as they go through each page.