Hello everyone!
I was just thinking today how there are many cool parts inside of the EXP Kit!
Some of my favorites include all of the different sizes and types of wheels. I know I posted about exploring circumference, diameter, and Pi with VEX V5 Wheels, but you can also do the same activity with EXP!
What are some of the parts in the EXP Kit that you think are useful or that you would like to explore more?
@Matthew_Goodwin do you have any suggestions?
To be honest @Lauren_Harter my favorite part in the kit is the Rack gear. It’s slept on as it’s the most unique part in the kit. I was able to create the Linear Slide build you’ll find in “Building EXP Robot Lift Systems” and it is really cool to see it function in real life. I posted about this piece recently in this post, so check it out as we dove deeper into different uses and benefits. Looking forward to hear what others think!
Awesome Matt thank you! These are wonderful resources.
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I wanted to circle back to this topic to show off something really cool that’s possible with EXP. Check out the Scissor Lift I built a while back, which is a great way to reach something high up in a small footprint. It utilized many different pieces from the kit, all can be explored in the 3D build I shared if you want to model a version of your own!
What are some ideas you’ve had that you want to see done with your kit? The best way to accomplish it is to go ahead and try to ultimately build it!