Tug-of-war Lesson 3 Gears

Hey Vex Hive,

I can’t seem to find any build instructions for the gear additions to the base not design in the Tug-of-war. I seen the attached document but nothing showing the build and how to retrofit the basebot. Any help?


Hi @Barry_Carter_II! The closest “build instructions” we have are the images in that document. They’re less structured than normal build instructions as we were trying to facilitate building on your own. Building a 1:1 replica in this case is not necessary, as we only need a way to add two gears to progress in the STEM Lab. I’ve gone ahead and created these quick build instructions here that show how to create one half of the gear train for the BaseBot in the Tug-of-War STEM Lab. Let me know if this helps!


@Matthew_Goodwin these are amazing! Thank you for creating them :slight_smile:

And thank you @Barry_Carter_II for asking this question! I’m sure a lot of other educators and their students may need a visual when constructing the gear trains as well, so i’ve added the instructions Matt made to the teacher facilitation guide for the Tug of War Unit!


You sir are a FREAKING ROCK STAR! Thank you so much!


I cannot access the build instructions you posted above and I am having the same issue building the gear train. The practice activity is also not clear with the build and how to add it to the basebot. My students will be confused. Any further help?

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Can I please get the quick build instructions as well? It is asking me for a code.

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So when I go to the facilitation guide and click the link for the additional build instructions above it asks me for a code. Why? I need this as as possible if possible please.

Hi @Kim_Wood, can you include an image of what you’re describing with the code?

The instructions Matt made above are a Cadasio link, is that blocked at all in your browser?

Link: Instructions Online by Cadasio.com

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Yes on all browsers here at school.

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Can someone help me with a code as this is or seems to be blocked on all browsers.??

Hi @Kim_Wood, sorry to hear you are experiencing issues with viewing the build instructions. The reason Cadasio is asking you for a “code” is because the site itself may be blocked by browser permissions set by your administration. If you are using Google Education accounts, they will need access to the following sites below in order to view:

In the meantime, please see the attached pdf build instructions (they’re the same build instructions from above, but with less magic) that show how to build and attach one half of the gear train to the BaseBot. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do for you :grinning:
IQ BaseBot for Tug-of-War.pdf (4.1 MB)

Hello @Nicole_Mackow! I wanted to tag you in this thread to show you a possible gearing solution on the BaseBot for IQ Tug of War. Check out the example 3D Build Instructions shared in this thread, and let me know if you have any questions/concerns about implementation on your Bot!