VEX IQ Triple Connector

I’m looking for Triple 2x Wide 2x2 corner connector in our VEX IQ kit. We cannot find any. Do you have to make these using a double connector and two connector pins?

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Hi Molly!

Do you have 1st gen or 2nd gen? The Triple Wide is currently only available in 2nd gen kits.
You could absolutely create one though by combining other parts together!

If you’re ever looking for a specific piece, I recommend checking out the Parts Poster for your generation. Those have the breakdown of what is part of each kit and how many are included in each kit.

If you are looking for any additional posters, you can check out

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I think I have 1st gen kits. I’m the high school VRC coach and we are putting together some IQ kits for an elementary STEM night at the end of the month.
With just a little more searching I found the 1st gen builds here: IQ Build Instructions - Downloads - IQ - VEX Robotics below the 2nd gen instructions.
I think we will start with building one Clawbot IQ and one Autopilot.
Do you have any recommended builds or activities for students at an open-house style STEM night, all ages?


That sounds like a great night for those students!

  • One of my favorite activities to get students building and interacting with IQ for the first time is the Tallest Tower Challenge. You can integrate conversations about stability and center of gravity really easily while still having a great hands on activity that students can take as much or as little time as they want.

  • You can also do some sort of driving challenge using the Controller with the Clawbot or BaseBot! I would recommend using something like the Figure 8 challenge from the Team Freeze Tag Unit.

  • For something using the Clawbot, I would recommend doing a simple grab and place challenge using some of the older VRC or VIQRC game materials (blocks from this year or rings from the Tipping Point season would be good).

A lot of these activities (or ones just like it) are also covered in our free Online Camps! You can take a look at how we present the activities and share them directly with students here: VEX IQ Robot Games Camp

Another note about the builds, the 1st gen Clawbot and Autopilot can take quite a bit of time to build. @Matthew_Goodwin actually made some simpler versions for 1st gen and posted it in the IQ section of PD+! I’ll share a snippet of his message below, but if you go through and get certified in IQ, then you can see the whole message as well as some of the other great IQ resources in that category of the Community.